Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

softskill bahasa inggris bisnis 2 (tulisan 3)

Hakekat belajar bahasa, pada umumnya adalah belajar berkomunikasi. Karena bahasa adalah media yang paling efektif untuk menyampaikan pesan dan komunikator kepada komunikator. Oleh karena itu, apapun bahasa yang dipakai dalam berkomunikasi, merupakan bagian dari budaya yang sangat penting.
Bahasa Inggris telah diakui sebagai bahasa internasional. Artinya, masyarakat yang berasal dari beragam latar belakang goegrafi, agama dam kultur telah memiliki suatu media yang disepakati untuk berkomunikasi satu sama lainnya, yaitu Bahasa Inggris. Transfer of knowledge, transfer of technology, economic affair, bahkan cross culture understanding tersedia dalam jaringan internet dengan media komunikasi yang disebutkan diatas.
Dari paparan sederhana yang disebutkan dalam dua alinea diatas, kita dapat menarik suatu gambaran yang jelas bahwa Bahasa Inggris memberi ruang gerak yang seluas-luasnya kepada kita untuk larut menjadi bagian dari komunitas global masyarakat dunia.
Dengan menguasai Bahasa Inggris secara aktif, kita akan merasa seakan-akan tidak ada lagi batas wilayah negara, tidak ada rasial fanaticsm, dan dengan bangga tentu kita bisa melantunkan satu baris syair The Beatels “And the world will be as one…”.
Konsep berfikir kita selama ini terlalu sempit dalam menyikapi arti belajar Bahasa Inggris sebagai sebagai suatu kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah dengan tujuan hanya untuk mendapatkan nilai yang standar agar lulus ujian.
Konsep berfikir sempit inilah yang kemudian membuat kita tidak mampu menciptakan rasa nyaman belajar, malas, ngantuk dan rasa lapar seringkali terasa pada jam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dimulai.
Untuk menghilangkan “penyakit kronis” itu, marilah kita lihat manfaat apa yang dapat kita petik dari kompetensi Bahasa Inggris.
a. Academic Purpose
Buku yang konon disebut sebagai gudang ilmu ternyata banyak tertulis dalam Bahasa Inggris, sehingga bagi kaum akademisi a.k.a mahasiswa, buku harus menjadi santapan sehari-hari.
b. Pengembangan Karier
Dunia kerja akan tergiur oleh orang-orang yang pandai berBahasa Inggris. Sehingga calon Slakae Holder akan berlomba mencari mereka. Jadi dengan Bahasa Inggris, pekerjaanlah yang mencari pelamar.
c. Memperluas Pergaulan
Diatas sudah disinggung bahwa kita sebentar lagi memasuki dunia yang universal, dunia menjadi satu bangsa dalam keanekaragaman budaya. Siapa yang tertarik untuk menjadi orang gaul tingkat jagat, kuasailah Bahasa Inggris.

kesimpulan :
Dari artikel diatas memberikan gambaran bahwa betapa pentingnya belajar bahasa inggris, banyak manfaat yang akan kita dapat. mungkin untuk sebagian orang merasa bahasa inggris adalah sesuatu yang sulit, tapi itu salah karena semua itu karena kemauan di dalam diri setiap orang. kita harus berfikir positif bahwa KITA BISA BAHASA INGGRIS. kemauan dan niat yang besar adalah kunci untuk keberhasilan. untuk sesuatu yang baik, tidak perlu ragu untuk dicoba.

sumber : http://smart.stkip-persis.ac.id/2009/04/manfaat-belajar-bahasa-inggris/

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

softskill bahasa inggris bisnis 2 (tulisan 2)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan, Tuesday (20/3), the morning suddenly became the toll booth attendant to address traffic congestion at toll booths Semanggi to Slipi, West Jakarta.

Promptly at 6:10 pm, which will lead to Dahlan Iskan Soekarno-Hatta International Airport toll booths going to see long lines of up to about 30 cars.

Dahlan who will perform leadership meeting in PT Garuda Indonesia, the company got out of his car and immediately get into the toll booth.

Former CEO of Java Post Group is getting furious when he saw the two counters are empty without the attendant, while the function is only one counter and one counter automated manual.

This condition is contrary to the instructions Dahlan, who wants that line at each toll gate only a maximum of five cars. Do not want to linger, Dahlan throwing chairs in the empty booth. "This chair is useless," cried Dahlan.

Then he immediately opened the latch and let the toll highway users from entering the newly opened counters, without pay or for free. At least as many as 100 cars straight through without paying a ticket.

Coincidence between the cars will enter the queue is the Managing Director of PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk Satar. "What really ngatur traffic pack". Yes sir it's free?, "Said Emirsyah.

Not long ago, the toll booth smoothly, then immediately left the scene of highway Dahlan headed Garuda's office to hold a leadership meeting that the ministry BUMN routinely conducted every Tuesday.

It is the most appropriate way has been done Dahlan Iskan, because it is a rebuke to the negligence of the Jasa Marga the services they provide.
This is an example for other governments to better cope with problems that disturb public.
the existence of this problem, people expect all of this could be the start of the improvement of public services.

sumber : http://id.berita.yahoo.com/terjebak-macet-di-tol-dahlan-iskan-ngamuk-ngamuk-012110043.html

softskill bahasa inggris bisnis 2 (tulisan 1)

TOEFL English language test which is intended to: measure a person's ability to speak English to learn & work abroad; demonstrate academic preparedness of a person; million standard that is designed to be objective and impartial manner so that students can compare their ability to be fair.TOEFL is divided into three methods:

1. PBT (Paper Base)
2. CBT (Computer Base)
3. IBT (Internet Base)Because of the frequent international campuses using IBT so this time the IBT are discussed first. Internet-based TOEFL (iBT) test consists of four parts:    Ø Listening
Ø Reading
Ø Speaking
Ø Writing
The fourth part will be tested on the same day. Examination completed within approximately about 4 hours.
IBT is a new participant will dimina to combine, or integrate more than one language skills, namely:
• read an article.
• listening to short lectures on the topic of the article we read.
• speak or write in response to what we read and listen.
It is considered the same if we will study abroad, namely,

Reading theory books
Listen to the lecturer explained the course
Menyampakan our opinions and poured it into the post for the sake of writing.
We have had many educational institutions meimiliki authorization from ETS (Institution in the United States authorities for the regulation of TOEFL, IELTS GRE, etc.). TS itself is one contributor to an international institution that has for decades engaged in the TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, GMAT PREPARATION and Learning Consultant Overseas. Q So if you want some more can PM TS, let's disc more detail if Necessary.
Sign up for the TOEFL test
When you sign up for this test, we should see first how the minimum standards required TOEFL campus. So that it can make you the focus of a comprehensive goal in following the TOEFL test.

Ø Do your homework before taking the TOEFL test
Ø Please see the online TOEFL results 15 days after you take the test.
Ø Report the value you tell about how to improve your skills.
Ø ETS will also send a written report of your score.

example toefl test :
1. n. program; scheme; agenda; timetable; schedule
(a) scene
(b) confusion
(c) occupation
(d) plan
2. adv. regularly; persistently; steadily; stably
(a) however
(b) consistently
(c) throughout
(d) quarterly
3. n. particular form of something; variant; rendering; translation
(a) article
(b) mood
(c) profession
(d) version
4. v. to take a risk in order to achieve a goal
(a) dismiss
(b) qualify
(c) venture
(d) get over
5. n. hope; anticipation; assumption
(a) drop
(b) disease
(c) expectancy
(d) apparatus
6. n. person or thing which promotes; expeditor
(a) premises
(b) enclosure
(c) facilitator
(d) dealing
7. v. to give; to submit; to transform; to represent; to depict
(a) persuade
(b) render
(c) reimburse
(d) excel
8. n. goods; ware; stock; articles or items to be sold
(a) acronym
(b) addition
(c) peace
(d) merchandise
9. v. to demand; to require; to insist upon; to force
(a) intensify
(b) mortgage
(c) refund
(d) exact
10. v. to fix in place; to link firmly together; to be held in place
(a) accomplish
(b) lock
(c) scale
(d) introduce
11. n. tip; bonus; recompense
(a) blue sky laws
(b) sharp
(c) gratuity
(d) improvement
12. v. to carry; to encourage; to assist financially; to substantiate
(a) support
(b) fold
(c) agree
(d) supervise
13. n. physical position or bearing; opinion; attitude
(a) supplier
(b) wrench
(c) calendar
(d) stance
14. v. to confess to something; to allow entrance; to accept as valid
(a) admit
(b) respect
(c) bond
(d) inspire
15. n. practice session for a performance
(a) misgiving
(b) postmaster
(c) wire
(d) rehearsal
16. n. meeting; seminar; convention
(a) capitalization
(b) conference
(c) prejudice
(d) quote
17. v. to write or print a series of names or items according to a certain order; to inscribe; to record
(a) manufacture
(b) discover
(c) list
(d) secure
18. n. fitness; suitability; limitation; diploma or certificate stating one’s abilities
(a) willingness
(b) qualification
(c) terminology
(d) expense
19. v. to stance
(a) scan
(b) pose
(c) envision
(d) overlap
20. v. to confirm the truth of something
(a) hide
(b) verify
(c) pitch
(d) consume

Sumber :

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

softskill bahasa inggris bisnis 2

      10.  The whales headed south for the winter (Wrong)

Answer : The whales headed to the south in winter

  1.  During the meeting in the office discussed the schedule (Wrong)
                Answer : During The meeting in the office has discussed the schedule

                2.  Early                      toes instead of hooves on their feet

a.       Horses
b.      Had horses
c.       Horses had
d.      Horses having
Answer : c. horses had is the best answer, because this sentence has a subject early horses and has part of a verb toes.  The sentence is the past tense, so use had before verb.